We did a fake a lake water test on Saturday night and there were no leaks! It was solid and worked great. Took it to the lake on Sunday morning and gave it another test. Worked great and no leaks! The water wasn't great but here is the wake at 22 and taps at 4. G-Money did some boarding and we both surfed. It drained great and created a vacuum like we thought. With some tweaking next week we will have it dialed in. Here is the link to all of my photo's on flickr http://flickr.com/photos/19181202@N06/sets/72157606230615556/ I had to throw this one in for laughs. G was throwing some spins and got caught.
how many pounds were you able to put in the bow?
I used the Fly High Integrated Bow Sac rated at 650 lbs. It filled all the way up
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