Sunday, July 20, 2008

Electrician at Work

Ballast Install 013
Originally uploaded by gkemp
G-Money pictured here did all of the wiring. Sorry not many pics as I had to be at a car wash for my football team and G was working all morning by himself. 6'8" in a boat doesn't work very well. G can put comments up on how he did the electrical. Here is the simple break down. We removed the 3 dead switches that aren't used on my boat and replaced them with the ballast puppy switches. G tapped into the large fuse box under the dash where he found the ground and power. The wires to the pumps were run though the middle of the floor and the front pump power was run though the top of the panel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The wiring was easy once I figured out what I was going to do. I tapped in to the breaker box under the dash for the power but the box did not have a ground. Tucked up underneath was a grounding block but all the smaller tap-ins were taken. I piggyback all three ground wires and tapped in to one of the main bolts the other bolt had a 1/0 ground wire attached to it so I knew we were good go go. Just to be safe we included 20 amp mini in-line fuses on each switch. The we ran the wires from the pumps along the gas tank up through the hole under the dash and to the switches. If I never have to put wire in loom by hand again it would be too soon.... The hardest part of all the wiring was getting my big 6'8" body in to a position I cold work on it.